About Us
Manoa Astronomical Technologies (MAT) is a Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) formed in 2015 with a focus on precision engineering for telescopes and astronomical instruments. The goal of VIPs is to engage undergraduates of all levels with graduate students and a faculty mentor to foster in-depth project-based learning. For the 2018-2019 academic year the MAT team is working in conjunction with the Institute for Astronomy (IfA) to develop a Filter Exchange Mechanism (FEM) for the UH88 telescope located on the summit of Mauna Kea on the island of Hawai`i.
Mission Statement
To cultivate an interdisciplinary Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) team that will gain hands-on experience in design and develop an understanding in optics and precision engineering through the design and fabrication of a filter-exchanging device for the IfA.
The team will:
- Design a filter-exchanging assembly with cartridges that allows interchangeability between multiple filter options
- Design a filter exchanging mechanism that can guarantee precision at various orientations (horizon-to-horizon and within UH88’s envelope)
- Designed with the ability to house and protect filters without interrupting optical path
- Designed with remote control capabilities
Project Overview
The outcome expected from this project is to have a functional filter exchanging device that will be mounted onto the UH88 Telescope by May 2019. The FEM is expected to be installed onto the back of the telescope within the next 1-2 years along with two new instruments which it will interface with.
For a complete list of requirements the filter wheel should meet, see: Functional Requirements under the Project tab.
Designing and constructing this filter exchanging device will not only benefit astronomers and astronomy students who study using the UH88 facility, but also allow future members to take this knowledge to enhance MAT’s own Pioneer 01-A and Pioneer 01-B telescopes. This project will teach important concepts on optics and space observation to engineering students who have no prior knowledge to this background. For this project, students from multiple disciplinary backgrounds will work together on designing sophisticated precision components that will benefit the Institute for Astronomy and its research efforts in the coming years. In addition to this, it will serve as a learning platform for both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as sets up a collaboration effort between the IfA and students and a potential local pipeline into observatories located in Hawaii.
Our Team
1st row (left to right): Daniel Vanta, Skye Nakamura, Sydney Inouye, Robert Scimeca, Jeanalyn Wadsack-Myers, Elise Sueoka
2nd row (left to right): Mervin Cash, Heather Situ, Jordan Florita, Bryant Higa
A Zachary Trimble (Faculty Advisor, Dept. of Mech. Eng.)
Mark Chun (Faculty Advisor, IfA Hilo)
Melissa Onishi (Graduate Advisor)
Dayton Lee (Graduate Advisor)
Team Overview
The UH 88 inch telescope (UH88) is a 2.2 meter Cassegrain telescope located at the summit of Mauna Kea. In 1970, it was the first telescope built on the summit, demonstrating the exceptional quality of the mountain for astronomical observation. Despite its relatively small size, UH88 has made many discoveries, the most notable include: the confirmation of the existence of the Kuiper belt, the discovery of 45 moons of Jupiter as well as moons of the outer planets, measuring the mass of the dwarf planet Haumea, measuring the size of the exoplanet WASP-10b and its contribution to refining the orbit of the asteroid Apophis, ruling out an Earth impact in 2027.
As a Cassegrain telescope, incident light rays enter UH88 and come in contact with the primary mirror, it then reflects to the secondary mirror, and is redirected to a hole located at the center of the primary mirror, behind which the adaptive optics system, filter wheel and camera are situated. Filters are used in astronomy to limit the wavelength of light that reaches the camera’s charge coupled device (CCD) detector by absorbing all wavelengths except those specific to the filter’s bandpass. This specificity allows astronomers to more easily detect certain phenomena or gain insight on specific processes such as star forming regions. CCD detectors are monochromatic to ensure data fidelity, so in order to create a color image of the cosmos, multiple images of the same object are taken in different filters and stacked to produce the images of space we are accustomed to.
UH88 is currently undergoing a multi-year upgrade where it will be outfitted with a new camera that will increase its field of view by a factor of 4 and increase its resolution by a factor of 7. However, in its current configuration, the camera is incompatible with current instruments on the telescope due to size constraints in the optical path and the current filters being too small, limiting the field of view. For this reason, the Institute for Astronomy has commissioned MAT to build a new filter exchange mechanism that allows the UH88 telescope to fully utilize its camera and allow for compatibility with current and future optical instruments.
When Galileo first observed the stars through his telescope, he could clearly see details of craters on the moon, but other celestial bodies looked like blurry faint objects to him. With advances in technology, modern telescopes can now see deep sky objects and study the origins of the universe. To enable further study in astronomy, the Manoa Astronomical Technologies team will cultivate an interdisciplinary Vertically Integrated Project (VIP) team, that will gain hands-on experience in design and develop an understanding in optics and precision engineering through the fabrication of a filter exchange mechanism for the IfA’s UH88 telescope.
The outcome expected from this project is to have a functional filter exchanging device that will be mounted onto the UH88 Telescope and it will fulfill the parameters that are stated in the functional requirements section below. Designing and constructing this filter exchanging device will not only benefit astronomers and astronomy students who study using the UH88 facility, but also allow future members to take this knowledge to enhance MAT’s own Pioneer 01-A and Pioneer 01-B telescopes. This project will teach important concepts on optics and space observation to engineering students who have no prior knowledge to this background. For this project, students from multiple disciplinary backgrounds will work together on designing sophisticated precision components that will benefit the Institute of Astronomy and its research efforts in the coming years.
This filter wheel should complete the following objectives.
- Design a filter-exchanging assembly with cartridges that allows interchangeability between multiple filter option
- Design a filter exchanging mechanism that can guarantee precision at various orientations (horizon-to-horizon and within UH88’s envelope)
- Designed with the ability to house and protect filters without interrupting optical path
- Designed with remote control capabilities
Below is the final CAD assembly of the filter wheel developed by the team.
Optical Subsystem
The optics subsystem will be concerned with how each individual filter will be held and changed within the mechanism, paying special attention to the precision of the positioning of the filters within the cartridge as well as the cartridges’ position in the wheel. Additionally, the optics subsystem is responsible for fabricating filter cartridges that will house filters of varying shape and dimension.
Structure Subsystem
The structure subsystem will be tasked with providing a housing for the entire system that is strong enough to handle the forces and moments imposed upon the filter mechanism, as well as take into account the pre-existing dimensional parameters supplied by the UH88. In addition to this, they are responsible for implementing a gearing system to allow the filter wheel to switch between the designated filter positions.
Electronics Subsystem
The Electronics subsystem will work to implement motorization and software that is compatible with the UH88 setup and will provide feedback on the position of each filter.
Functional Requirements
Functional Requirements
Schedule Overview
System Level Gantt Chart
Time Status
The upcoming milestone is to finalize the design for all subsystems in December and begin ordering prototyping materials for prototyping from December to January. The team is meeting objectives on time so current schedule is going according to plan. The team only needs more outreach opportunities to acquire additional funding to finish the project on time.
Finance Overview
The financial status of the MAT team is as follows, with the color-coded distribution per subsystem shown below:
Currently, MAT is funded for roughly $11,000, via funding accrued through the College of Engineering at UH Manoa. Fundraising efforts have been made as well, and will continue to be made in the upcoming Spring.
Want to get involved?
Team Meetings: Monday and Wednesday 5:00-6:00 pm at Holmes 300
Interested in Donating?
Contact our Financial Manager: sainouye@hawaii.edu, Sydney Inouye
Contact Information
Team email: astrotec@hawaii.edu
Project Manager: dvanta@hawaii.edu, Daniel Vanta
Financial Manager: sainouye@hawaii.edu, Sydney Inouye